Inspired by a Nameless Samosa.
1. I am an absolutely hopeless romantic – seriously, I am in love with the idea of being in love; I’m that girl that they portray in movies, the one that is super single but has a huge crush on the hot lead male but no one knows? Like the girl in 27 Dresses that is so in love with the idea of love? Yeah, that’s me :)
2. I always look at people’s teeth, eyes and hands when I talk to them – their hands totally give away how much they take care of themselves.
3. I am totally frazzle brained – I can’t remember something that I said when I’ve finished my sentence, I just babble.
4. I used to be a total spendaholic, I now hardly ever buy things because otherwise I’ll buy the whole shop.
5. Hugs make me incredibly happy.
6. I have a fetish for shoes and have way too many pairs of pyjamas.
7. I just have too much clothes. Period.
8. I love photos.
9. Sunflowers are my favourite flower.
10. I have a really big range of weird laughs.
11. I find mirrors super distracting!
12. I cannot wrap gifts to save my life, I prefer giving gift bags. Wrapping all the gifts at Christmas is slightly heart-breaking.
13. I find disrespect (the whole bad-boy thing) and low-riders super unattractive.
14. I don’t understand why people need to swear.
15. I love compliments – I know it sounds dumb but the smallest compliment can put me out of a massive bad mood.
16. I write too much.
17. I am secretly a very mischievous person and love pranking people. This apparently can get mistaken for flirting if guys are involved… But it’s not.
18. My laptop hates me.
19. Those security beepy things outside shops and escalators scare the life out of me!
20. I cry in most movies.
21. I am actually extremely shy but when I am comfortable around you I never shut up.
22. I have never had a sleepover not at my house. Ever.
23. Since this is number 23… September 23rd stands out to me as a date. I have no clue why.
24. I always have the urge to dance at the most random of places.
25. I cry my heart out when other people cry, even if I do not know why they are crying.
26. I love going for walks.
27. Whenever I feel a breeze on my face, it feels as if God is dancing with me.
28. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate my friends and our inside jokes.
29. I find 29 a random enough number to stop on :)